Hoss and the Vultures
The Tahoe Ladies

 He had stopped. He knew that he shouldn't have but he did any way. Stepping down from the saddle, Hoss Cartwright's big heart felt a long familiar tug. For what ever the reason, she was in trouble and Hoss knew he couldn't leave her like this.

Cautiously he pulled her into his arms, feeling her rail thin body tremble against him. He trickled a little water into her, watching her dull eyes looking back at him, hope etched there so plainly. Not knowing what else to do, he picked her and took her back to his horse. He sat her in the saddle then proceeded to mount up himself. Fearful of breaking her fragile bones, Hoss took her into his massive arms to cushion the ride back to the house. He had no idea what else to do with her but take her home and turn her over to his father and brothers. They alone might have the knowledge, the creativity, to save her. He sighed. "But then what are they gonna say when I tell them I brought home a starving story vulture?" He moaned but she nestled closer to him, a stealthy smile coming to her beak.

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The Tahoe Ladies

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